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Restore entry and exit policies for international travellers to Vietnam from 15th March 2022

On 15th March 2022, the Vietnam Government agreed to restore the entry and exit policies for foreigners and Vietnamese residing overseas as before the application of restrictive measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic.


(Photo for illustration purpose) (Photo: Internet)

According to information and guidance from the Consular Department (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), from 15th March 2022, will resume the application of the process and procedures for granting visas and visa exemption certificates according to the provisions of the Law of Immigration, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam in 2014 (amended and supplemented in 2019) and guiding documents.

Restoring visa exemption for foreigners according to international treaties to which Vietnam is a member or visa exemption on a reciprocal basis (the list is posted on the Consular Portal).

Restoring visa exemption policies for citizens of 13 countries (Federal Republic of Germany, French Republic, Republic of Italy, Kingdom of Spain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Russian Federation, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Norway, Republic of Finland and Republic of Belarus) with maximum length of stay to 15 days, which apply until 14th March 2025.

Entrants need to have a passport that is valid for at least 06 months at the time of entry and is not subject have not been allowed to enter into Vietnam and must comply with the medical guidance of the Ministry of Health on the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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