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Change location of VFS-UK centre far from City

As you know that VFS- Ahmedabad has shifted it’s UK visa application centre from Parimal Garden to Shree Balaji Agora Mall, near to Bhat Circle, S.P. Ring road, Ahmedabad.

It will be very inconvenient to all applicants to reach there due to such a remote location. It’s almost 14 km away from Railway station, 18 km from ST bus stop Geeta Mandir, 16km from C G Road & 20 to 25 km from SG Highway. Sir, as you know there is very limited access of public transport and applicant need to pay hefty amount for transportation too. It will also a good amount of time to reach there and coming back to place of origin. Practically one has to spoil entire day because of this shifting.

There is a possibility of shifting other EU mission also to this new place. So it will be difficult for travel agents also to submit the case from their work place (where bio metric is not necessary). Travel agents will also face same problem as mentioned above.

Looking to all these constraints, request you to take up this matter with concern authorities of VFS as well as to British Deputy high commission to reverse this decision of shifting VFS centre to such a remote place. Also take up this matter with all EU missions as well as Canada mission not to entertain shifting from current premises to new location if same is under planning of VFS.

I am writing this letter to express sentiments of all our members who are travel agents of Gujarat and who have expressed their concern on behalf of clients as well as for themselves.

I will be happy to assist for anything in this matter.

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