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Miguel Díaz-Canel re-elected for a second term as President of the Republic of Cuba.

On April 19, the X Legislature of the National Assembly of People Power was constituted. During the session, the members of the Cuban Parliament ratified Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez for a second term as President of the Republic of Cuba. The IX Legislature had elected Díaz-Canel Bermúdez previously as President of the Republic, on October 10, 2019. He visited India in 2015 when he was the First Vice President and last January he received in Havana Smt. Meenakashi Lekhi, Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture.

He is an Electronic Engineer and Master in Management, member since 2003 of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba, in 2009 he took office as Minister of Higher Education, in 2012 he was Vice President of the Council of Ministers, a year later he was elected First Vice President of the Council of State, and in 2018 President of the Councils of State and Ministers.

This way the general election process is concluded. It began at the level of municipalities and provinces last year, where the candidates were nominated. Then it had its fundamental moment with the general elections on March 26, which had a 75.8% national participation.

On this occasion, Parliament also ratified Esteban Lazo Hernández as its President and President of the Council of State.

Lazo Hernández has been a deputy since 1981 and has been in charge of the legislative body since 2013. Under his direction, the constitutional reform took place, and a new Constitution was approved by national referendum in 2019.

Salvador Valdés Mesa, was ratified as Vice President of the Republic.

At the proposal of the President of the Republic, members of Parliament also approved the re-election of Manuel Marrero Cruz as Prime Minister and the 26 members of the Council of Ministers, among which we highlight Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz as Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment and Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla as Minister of Foreign Relations, who visited India in 2013.

This session has the historical significance of taking place the same day on which the anniversary of the Victory of “Playa Girón” is commemorated, when on April 19, 1961 the mercenary army organized by the United States that invaded Cuba was defeated.

In his inauguration speech for the new mandate, Miguel Díaz Canel expressed: “Just as we remember Girón, we will always remember the cruelty of the US reinforced blockade in pandemic conditions; the infamous inclusion of Cuba in a list of alleged sponsors of terrorism to besiege all financial transactions; the oxygen they refused to give us when we more needed, the attempts to deny us any possibility of trade or financing, while at the same time they stirred up street riots”.

“From all these battles the people are coming out victorious and I have no doubt that, as in Girón, the victory will prevail! Cuba keeps intact its line of principles and its willingness to dialogue, but without pressure or conditioning.”

He added: “Now, only greater responsibilities and a high duty await us: to serve the people of Cuba, always connect with their demands and needs.”

“The new legislature must always be distinguished by permanent contact with the neighborhoods, with the communities, with those who elected us, aware that we cannot work miracles, but we can transform the reality of Cuba today if we manage to create the essential synergy between the individual and collective efforts; between neighborhoods and municipalities; between the municipalities and the province, between the provinces and the nation”.

“Cuba is a feeling, and it is a force capable of facing and defeating the worst gales!

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